The purpose of the initial consultation is for our firm (Verge Legal Pty Ltd) to give you our initial opinion on what, if anything, that we can do for you in regard to the legal problem or issue that you may have. Our initial consultation is limited to 15-minutes, and due to this limited allotted timeframe its purpose is not to give you a conclusive or definitive legal advice regarding your matter. At the end of the initial consultation, we may suggest that you formally engage us to represent you, in which case you will be asked to sign a separate document called a Costs Agreement. Unless you enter into our Costs Agreement, there will be no formal retainer between us. We also reserve the right not to act for you after the initial consultation.

By making a booking for an initial consultation on this website (or via any other means) you acknowledge and agree to the Terms of Initial Consultation stated hereinabove and hereby indemnify and release Verge Legal Pty Ltd and its employees (“the firm”) against any loss, damage, or injury as a result of any initial opinion provided during the initial consultation by the firm. You also agree to us contacting you via your email or telephone number provided.

首次咨询的目的是为了能让我所(Verge Legal Pty Ltd)就您可能遇到的法律问题提供我们初步的意见和建议。 我们的首次咨询仅限于 30 分钟,由于时间有限,我们需要您了解其目的不是为了向您提供与您案件有关的总结性,或绝对性的法律建议。在首次咨询结束时,我们可能建议您正式聘请我们作为您的法律代表,在这种情况下,按照澳大利亚律师协会的相关要求,我们将要求您签署另一份称为《委托及费用协议》的文件。 除非您签订我们的《委托及费用协议》,否则我们之间将不会存在正式的委托关系。 我们也保留在初步咨询后不代理您案件的权利(例如由于存在利益冲突)。

您预订咨询後,即表示您同意让我们向您发送后续电子邮件或电话,并同意不予追究Verge Legal Pty Ltd 及其员工由于首次咨询期间所提供的任何初步意见而造成的任何损失,损坏,伤害,或寻求任何补偿。

Updated 16 February 2021